About This Website


  • Detailed enrollment statistics for any UCI course from 2016 to the present:
    • Number of enrolled students
    • Max number of students
    • Number of students who requested to register
    • Number of students in the waitlist
    • Number of spots reserved for incoming freshmen/transfers
    • Course status (Open, Full, Waitlist, New Only)
  • Numerous search filters (instructor, course title, course code, course type)
  • Enrollment data for any type of UCI course (lectures, labs, discussions, etc.)
  • Organized graphs and tables that display enrollment data
  • A search history menu that allows you to easily see the enrollment data of courses you searched before
  • A table that shows other quarters that offer a specific course

How do I use this website?

  1. Choose one specific course (e.g. WRITING 39C in Fall 2021). Here are some ways to select a course:
    • Select a Department, Course Number, and Quarter.
    • Enter a Course Code and Quarter.
    • Type a Course Title from WebSoc, and select a Quarter.
    • Choose an Instructor from WebSoc, a Course Number, and a Quarter.
    • If you want to narrow down your search, you can add a Course Type.
    • If you don't specify a quarter, you will be directed to the most recent quarter the course was available.
  2. When you're ready, click the Submit button. If you want to clear your whole search, press the Reset button.
  3. You will be directed to the enrollment data; to switch between tabs, click the Graphs, Tables, or Quarters buttons.
  4. To open/close graphs and tables, click the appropriate blue button on the right.
  5. To see the enrollment data of a course you searched before, click the History button and then click the appropriate course.

What are the Graphs, Tables, and Quarters tabs?

  • The Graphs tab uses line graphs to show the change in enrolled, max, and waitlist students.
  • The Tables tab uses tables to show the enrolled, max, waitlist (if available), requested, and nor (if available) students; the course status (if available) will also be recorded.
  • The Quarters tab will show you the other quarters that satisfy your search. For example, if you are looking for a WRITING 39C course with a specific instructor, this tab will show you the other quarters where WRITING 39C is offered with that instructor.

What quarters are currently being tracked?

All Fall 2022 courses are being tracked daily. All Summer 2023 sessions are being tracked weekly.

When does the data get updated?

During enrollment periods, the data gets updated every morning.

How much data is there?

I started collecting data in the end of July 2021, which means 2021 Summer Session 2 and 2021 Fall Quarter are the earliest quarters that have a substantial amount of enrollment data.